Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cattle farming

 is potentially appealing to people who have the necessary land and resources to make it pay. Whether you’re planning on setting up an operation for
 * Beef cattle farming, * Organic cattle farming, * Dairy cattle farming,  
The industry of cattle farming is becoming progressively fashionable and lucrative. Cattle can be raised on land, which has few other uses, such as areas of land, which are unsuitable for any other crop except grass. There are a number of elements to look at and these include calving, inoculation and breeding. For many people cattle farming is an activity which requires less labor input than most farming activities and its is important to look at your specific objectives when setting out along the path of farming cattle, since there are a number of different ways of farming cattle for net income.
For example you could keep a low number of high quality cows and specialize in raising calves from this basic stock. Plainly such an endeavor also requires the services of a good herd bull unless you plan to utilize artificial insemination.
Another potential method of earning good money from cattle farming is to purchase good quality new born calves and then feed them on until they reach over 400 pounds in weight. This type of activity in general takes more labor to make it a winner but the pecuniary rewards can be high. Alternatively the feeding can continue until the calves weigh considerably more and therefore make them more attractive to the beef wholesalers or even to consumers directly.
The purchase of acceptable herd stock is of supreme importance and generally the size and quality of animal is more significant than the actual breed of cattle used. Cattle with abnormal fat are best avoided since they are likely to gain weight slowly, particularly in the first couple of months. Check prospective purchasers cautiously, good cattle should be alert, bright eyed and move around normally. Exceptions to this should be regarded with a degree of mistrust. Similarly, and much like humans, small framed cattle will generally end up as relatively light in weight and those with heavier frames will tend towards the heavier weights. It’s usually best to purchase cattle that are regular in frame since widely diverse frame sizes tend to need different feeding programs, which in turn requires more work.
Many cattle farmers have now seen the rewards of selling directly to consumers but if you plan to do this then it is important to consider having a sturdy business plan with specific aims in mind. Wherever practicable have a specific location for selling since it is generally easier and cheaper to transport live animals for a relatively short distance than a packaged and refrigerated product. As with most endeavors, your merchandise should be well branded and your facilities clean and in good repair.

* Beef cattle farming,
Beef cattle farmers are responsible for the daily care and management of cattle raised for beef production.
The duties of a beef farmer may include feeding, administering medication, maintaining facilities, monitoring the herd for signs of illness, assisting with calving, performing artificial insemination, and managing waste. They also may be responsible for marketing their animals, transporting sales stock, baling hay or harvesting other forage for use as feed, maintaining farm equipment, and maintaining facilities.
Beef cattle farmers work in with large animal veterinarians to maintain the health of their cattle through vaccination and medication protocols. They may also rely on advice from animal nutritionists and livestock to create balanced rations for their herd.
Beef cattle farmers may also benefit from having personnel management experience, as most commercial farms have employees to manage and direct. Even smaller family cow-calf operations may hire outside help when needed. Farm managers must be able to schedule employee shifts, address employee concerns, and oversee the day-to-day activities on the farm.
As is the case with many livestock careers, a beef cattle farmer may work long hours. It is not uncommon for cattle farmers to work weekend, evening, or holiday shifts. The work many involve working in extreme temperatures and varying weather conditions. It is also important that cattle farmers take precautions when working with these large and potentially dangerous animals.

Career Options
Beef cattle farmers may operate as commercial feedlot beef producers or as cow-calf operations. Feedlot producers are involved with raising beef cattle to market weight and usually purchase their cattle as weanlings instead of breeding their own stock. Cow-calf operations breed and raise their own cattle, often for resale at weaning age to commercial stockyards or feed lots.
* Organic cattle farming,
Organic production practices are just one of the many options available to livestock producers to grow and market quality livestock and wholesome end products.  Organic livestock management practices offer unique rewards and challenges to the livestock producer regardless of the animal species produced.  Organic livestock production often necessitates the integration of animal-pasture-crop production to be successfully.  There are a number of considerations that need to be addressed to successful produce certified organic livestock and products.

For Further Enquairy

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